Tag Archives: php looping method

Five Methods for PHP Looping

Five Methods for PHP Looping

Looping is one of the most common process used by web developer while building a site. In this article, I will try to share Five Methods for PHP Looping processes.

Frist, You can use “while”:
while(condition){do something}
Exp in php:

$cond = 1;
while($cond >= 10){echo $cond;$cond++;}

The above code will print “12345678910”.

Second, You can use “for”:
for(condition){do something}
Exp in php:

for($i=0;$i<=10;$i++){echo $i;}

The above code will print “12345678910”.

Third, you can use “do-while”:
do{do something}while(condition);
Different with while, do-while will execute the command first, then check the condition. Even if the condition is not match, the do-while will execute the command once.
Exp in php:

$i = 1;
do {echo $i;$i++;} while ($i <= 10);

The above code will print “12345678910”.
Exp in php:

$i = 1;
do {echo $i;} while ($i = 10);

The above code will print “1”.

Fourth, you can use “foreach”:
foreach(array as $keys => $vasl){do something}
Foreach is used to print out an array.
Exp in php:

$arrs = array("septiadi","hasan","muhammad");
foreach ($arrs as $keys => $vals) {
    echo $keys."=>".$vals." ";

The above code will print “0=>septiadi 1=>hasan 2=>muhammad”.

Fifth, you can use “goto”:
location:…. goto location; or goto location;…. location:
Exp in php:

echo $i;
goto loc;

The above code will print “1” continously.
Exp in php:

echo $i;$i++;
if($i>10)goto loc2;
goto loc;

The above code will print “12345678910”.

Currently there are only Five Methods for PHP Looping processes that I know. There is posibility to do different way than the Five Methods for PHP Looping. May be you are the one that find the sixth method :D.

Good luck.
